7 Practical Tips to Stay Sober

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You likely know how difficult it can be to overcome an addiction if you’re here. If you have decided to stay sober but have also experienced relapse or if you want to help a loved one on their journey, you also know that it is an overwhelmingly emotional experience. 

However, taking a practical approach to things might help with dealing with them. So without further ado, let’s look at seven practical tips that can help you or can help you help someone overcome an alcohol or drug addiction

Recalling the Decision to Change

The day-to-day struggle can make one forget their reason to change their life. Recalling this decision in the right doses, without making it feel like an obligation, can help one stay on their road to recovery. Be sure not to overdo this as the human brain begins to ignore the routine things. However, finding the correct method, duration, and dose of remembering their reasons can help them stay sober greatly.  

Identifying and Avoiding Triggers

People begin doing and overdoing drugs for all sorts of reasons. This is why recalling your reasons to first taking drugs can be a painful experience. The memories can bring guilt, shame, sadness, or a mix of emotions with them. However, identifying your reason may prove to help ease your journey to sobriety.  

Instead of taking drugs to avoid triggers, you can take a practical approach to things. Here, the reason to change can also help you devise an alternate path to avoid those triggers. If it’s too difficult to avoid triggers, setting some pre-decided coping strategies can help.

Strengthening Relationships

Drug addiction and drug rehabilitation can both feel lonely. However, most times, those struggling with addiction can sabotage or damage precious relationships themselves. While it’s no use to regret past actions, building new relationships certainly helps. Checking up on others who are on a similar journey or just chatting every other day with the neighbors can help foster feelings of belongingness. 

Developing a Sober Routine

Building a routine can bring several benefits to one’s life. All living beings find comfort in routine as it can give meaning to small activities. When small things begin to matter, the chances of seeking drugs can be reduced as one can begin feeling uncomfortable at the thought of messing up their routine. 

Routine brings certainty to life, which is something that all humans seek. You can significantly help yourself building a routine. If you want to help a loved one, you can build a routine with them. No matter what your struggle is, small acts such as brewing a cup of tea in the morning, taking a quick shower every day, changing clothes every day, reading a book for half an hour, sitting by the window and watching birds, etc. can help you find happiness, safety, and comfort in day-to-day life. 

Finding a Life Purpose

A life purpose doesn’t have to be something big. It can be any small act of kindness that benefits someone else. You can also find a life purpose in feeding all the stray cats in your neighborhood or the birds in the nearby park. 

You can find a life purpose in taking care of plants and growing a home garden. You can also distribute plants in your neighborhood and make friends with neighbors by giving them home-grown vegetables. 

Your life purpose can be any small act that makes you feel a part of the world and helps you connect with other living beings.  

(Safely) Confronting Your Past

We will be honest; this tip isn’t easy to carry out. However, confronting your past and coming to terms with it can greatly help you on your journey of overcoming drug addiction

We will also emphasize the importance of carrying out this tip safely. Always seek out professional help for the purpose. Doing it by yourself or in the wrong way can prove to be more damaging than beneficial.

Recognizing Signs of Relapse and Asking for Help

It is very common for those seeking help for drug addiction to experience relapse. Please don’t be ashamed by it or give up on your journey. If you have experienced relapse more than once, you can identify triggers and signs of relapse. 

Once you find these signs, you can seek out professional help as soon as you experience them. Our drug rehabilitation center provides emergency help. 

Finally, acknowledge the fact that you’re not alone. There are thousands of people who have battled the same battle as you and have succeeded in turning their lives around. You deserve a better life, and no number of tries is too many for you to achieve it![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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