Is ADHD Real?

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The number of people diagnosed ADHD is increased in recent years. The guidelines use to diagnose the condition changed in 2013 by the health care professionals are partly the reason why people know about it.


Another issue is that kids are often misdiagnosed. Specialists have written that ADHD Does Not Exist.

There’s no doubt that the symptoms of ADHD are real. But experts also show that there are a large number of illnesses and health problems that can cause those symptoms.

Common problems that can cause hyperactivity and attention problems include hearing and vision problems, depression, and sleep disorders.

A Challenging Diagnosis

A doctor or therapist studies your health history, the symptoms you tell them about while observing you the ones they might notice, and what other people who know you well (usually your school teachers and the people that are close to you like your family) say. They may use the “Vanderbilt questionnaire” or the “Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale” to rate how often firm behaviors happen and how much of a problem they are, such as:

  • When spoken to them they directly don’t seem to listen.
  • Feeling difficulties in performing tasks and activities.
  • Has trouble waiting in line.

Especially if a doctor or therapist doesn’t have extensive experience with ADHD, he or she can make a mistake.


More often, though, people with the disorder also have other health problems, like substance abuse or depression. These problems can disguise ADHD and can make it difficult to get the right diagnosis.

Experts advise seeing a doctor for a full health history and physical exam. They say it would be beneficial to see a psychologist. They can do a very extensive evaluation.

To determine if a child’s symptoms are due to ADHD or other conditions doctors use a medical device that uses brainwaves approved by NEBA in 2013. ‘Traditional diagnostic methods should be used combined’ Research suggests. 

Brain Differences

Doctors don’t know a lot about how ADHD works in the brain. But the imaging tests like MRIs showed a lot of differences between people with ADHD and people without it.

He indicates a brain area known as the prefrontal cortex that plays a role in feelings, performance, and problem-solving. People with ADHD, have activities differently from someone who doesn’t have the condition.

Still, to diagnose the disorder these differences are not enough.

The Role of Treatment

Some experts indicate the disorder’s evidence by the fact that treatment works.


Much research pieces of evidence have shown that when people work with adults or parents of children with ADHD who are suffering from it, they tell them that treatment programs like talk therapy and/or medication lessen ADHD symptoms.

Treatment often includes getting therapy and taking medication. Some teens and adults who don’t have the disorder use them to boost their focus because some of these drugs can be inspiring.

Patients having ADHD symptoms and trying self-medications must talk to a doctor before any bad consequences of these medications. But that’s generally not the case.

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