5 Signs Your Child Needs Child Addiction Counseling

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Being a parent certainly isn’t an easy task. As a parent, you want to guide your child in the right direction and set them on a good path.

But children are experimental in nature. As a result, it’s not uncommon for children to experiment with drugs and alcohol as they navigate the world and their growing freedom.

But, at what point does experimentation turn into addiction? Read on to learn 5 signs your child may need child addiction therapy.

Acting Differently with No Apparent Reason

If drugs or alcohol is taking a toll on your child’s life, one of the first things you may notice is a difference in their behavior.

In fact, it may appear as if your child has had a complete personality shift. Pay attention to whether your child is acting:

  • Withdrawn
  • Depressed
  • Tired
  • Angry


This may mean that it’s time for your child to incorporate group therapy into their routine to help get to the source of the issue. While it’s common for children to go through changes, these changes should not be exaggerated in a way that no longer feels normal.

Sudden changes in Friends

Have you noticed that your child has completely changed who they hang around with? While many children experiment with new social settings, who they hang out with shouldn’t be a drastic or sudden change.

When teens leave their old friends behind to hang with a completely new group, this could be an indicator that they are engaging in risky behavior.

Academic Performance has Declined

Another key indicator to pay attention to is how well your child is performing in school. Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol are common causes of declining grades.

If you notice that your teen’s grades are steadily falling, it may be time to implement group therapy to help prevent further issues.

Skipping School

Have you noticed that your child skips school often or constantly misses class for one reason or another? This type of behavior is certainly a sign of a much bigger problem.

It’s likely that your child is abandoning their school responsibilities to engage in risky activities.

No Longer Interested in Favorite Hobbies or Activities

Another key sign to pay attention to is whether your teen has lost interest in their favorite hobbies or activities.

It is certainly normal for children to expand their interests as they learn more about themselves. However, if they’ve abruptly lost interest in all of their favorite things, it could mean that they are trying to make room for their new and preferred, risky activities.

If you’ve noticed these types of changes in your child, you may want to consider investing in child addiction therapy to help them get to the root of the problem.

Here at More Life Recovery Center, we are committed to helping your child reach long-term recovery. We provide group therapy and treatment programs, such as The Intensive Outpatient Program and The Outpatient Program to help your child regain control and lead a healthy life. Contact us to learn more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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