Depression And Anxiety Difference

Depression and Anxiety are types of mood disorders. Among other effects, depression causes feelings of reduced energy, hopelessness, and sadness.

Anxiety produces feelings of dread, worry, or nervousness.

What Is Depression?

Depression disturbs the act of how you feel and respond. In depression you have these symptoms:

  • Anxiousness, sadness, or hopelessness
  • A lack of energy
  • Loss of interest in your favorite activities
  • Eating less or more than your normal routine
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Trouble concentrating or thinking

For the symptoms to be linked with depression, you need to have those most of the day, for at least 2 weeks. And the symptoms shouldn’t have any other medical cause, like a thyroid problem. Your therapist can check you for other medical disorders that cause depression symptoms.

What Is Anxiety?

Fear and worry are normal parts of life. But when such feelings don’t go away or they’re disproportionate, they can be symbols of an anxiety disorder.

You may have anxiety if you feel like:

  • Overwhelmed by worry
  • Sweaty or shaky
  • Cranky or on edge
  • Like you’re out of control


There are different types of anxiety disorder; each has its symptoms.

1-Generalized anxiety disorder

This anxiety disorder is when you are concerned about many different things with so much worry.

2-Social anxiety disorder 

Social anxiety disorder is an unnecessary worry when you’re in a gathering or among other people.

3-Panic disorder

Panic disorder causes abrupt feelings of fear, with symptoms like chest ache and a pounding heart.


Phobias are strong fears of things or places, like animals or closed spaces.

How Are They Different?

Symptoms of both disorders are the main difference between them. Depression is a long-term feeling of sadness. You lose interest in your favorite activities and also have no energy. Individuals with depression try to hurt themselves.

Anxiety includes worry or fear that you can’t control. The symptoms depend on the type of anxiety disorder you have.

How Are They Related?

Both depression and anxiety often happen together and are very common. About 60% of individuals with depression also have symptoms of anxiety and vice versa.

If you have anxiety, there will be a higher risk of depression. Doctors say avoiding the conditions you fear might bring you to depression.

Treatment of Depression and Anxiety

The treatment for both depression and anxiety includes medications, talk therapies, or a combination of both. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the best talk therapies. It explains to you how to behave and think in a different way to stop your anxiety or depression.


Antidepressants are medications that treat depression. They alter the steadiness of chemicals in your brain cells to improve your mood. Beta-blockers, Anti-anxiety drugs, and antidepressants are the treatments for anxiety.

The earlier you start treatment, the more possibly it will help you. Let your therapist know if the treatment program you’re on doesn’t remove your symptoms or if it results in side effects. It may take a few attempts to find the right treatment program that works best for you.


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