What do I do when my teen has a drinking problem?

Welcome to the topic, “What do I do when my teen has a drinking problem?”

Seeing so many drugs on the market for young you may be wondering, “Why to make a booklet for helping teen drinking alcohol?” Just like cocaine and marijuana alcohol is also a drug. Its use is also illegal under the age of 21 because it is dangerous leading to addiction.

Taking Action: Prevention Strategies for Parents

While parent-teen conversations about alcohol are essential, the conversation isn’t enough, you also must take concrete steps to help your teen avoid alcohol. Research intensely shows that active, caring involvement by guardians and parents can help teens avoid drinking alcohol and prevent later alcohol abuse.

The availability of alcohol to teens is relatively easy, a survey showed that. The danger is clear: Teens still need appropriate adult supervision. Some ways to do this:

Monitor Alcohol Use in Your Home:

Keep track of the alcohol supply if you keep it at home. Make it clear to your teen that you don’t allow unsupervised parties or other teen get-togethers in your home. If possible, however, assure him or her to invite colleagues/friends over when you are also at home. The more entertaining gatherings your teen does at home the more you will know about his or her activities and friends.


Connect With Other Parents:

Getting to know other guardians and parents can assist you in keeping closer checks on your teen. You’re likely to meet and find out that you’re not the only parent who wants to check teen alcohol use—many other parents share your apprehension.

Keep Track of Your Child’s Activities:

Be aware of your teen’s friends, locations, and plans. Generally, your child will be more likely to be open to your supervision if she or he feels you are keeping checks because you care, not because you don’t trust him or her.


Develop Family Rules About Drinking:

When parents develop clear “no alcohol” rules and regulations, their children are less likely to drink alcohol. Some possible family rules and expectations about drinking are:

  • No one will drink until they turn 21.
  • Older siblings will never encourage or give alcohol to youngers
  • Teens will never stay at adult parties where alcohol is allowed.
  • Teens will not ride with a driver who has drunk.

Set a Good Example:

Parents or guardians are significant role models for their teens. Some suggestions are here to set an example:


  • Use alcohol in balance.
  • Don’t talk to your teen that alcohol is a good thing to handle problems.
  • Let your teen see that you have healthier ways to deal with stress, such as listening to music; exercising; or talking things over with your friend, partner, or spouse.
  • Don’t tell your child stories about your drinking in a way that delivers the meaning that alcohol use is glamorous or funny.
  • Never drink and ride in or drive a car with a driver who has drunk.
  • When you meet other adults, serve alcohol-free drinks and adequate food. If anyone in your circle drinks too much at a party, make arrangements to get them home safely.
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