Drug Addiction in Teens

Drug Addiction in Teen

Brain Health plays an important role in Drug Addiction in Teens. What chance does a teenager have to avoid the drug tentacles reaching into every crack and crevasse of American society? Drug abuse and drug addiction are not just about street drugs traded by wicked persons to guiltless victims. Teenagers having easygoing access to any number of mind-boggling and psychoactive substances is very bad news. Muted and alarming TV ads about “Just Say No to

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizoid personality disorder

Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) is one of a group of illnesses called eccentric personality disorders or “Cluster ‘A’ “. People with these illnesses often seem odd or peculiar. An individual having a schizoid personality disorder is apt to be detached, distant, and indifferent to social interactions. Schizoid personality disorder and schizophrenia are not the same, so don’t take them equally. Many people with this disorder are capable of functioning fairly well, although they try to


Most drug users with long-term use, show hesitancy in entering into rehabilitation. They think that they would have to withdraw fully during their stay. Even persons who are keen on losing their habits find it difficult to adjust to the “no substance misuse policy” from day one. Complete moderation implies avoiding not only those substances but also places and people that remind the users of past times. Shift towards moderation In recent times, moderation is


The most common side effect of opioid meds are called opioids constipation, or trouble pooping. Most persons will also need to take specific medications to get more consistent bowel movements who take these opioids. The main symptoms of opioid constipation are: • Your stools might get hard and dry. • You might not get the urge to go as often as before. • When you go you might have to push really hard. • You might

What Are Drugs?


What are drugs? The chemical substances that can change how your body and mind work are called Drugs. They contain banned drugs, tobacco, over-the-counter medicines, alcohol, and prescription medicine. What is drug addiction? Drug addiction is a chronic brain disease. A person takes drugs repeatedly due to this, despite the fact that they are harmful. Frequent drug use can alter the brain and lead to addiction. Drug addiction is considered a “relapsing” disease because brain

What is Hallucinogen Drug?


The type of drug that changes a person’s insight into reality is known as a Hallucinogen. Hallucinogens make a person hear, see and feel things that aren’t real, or alter their interpretation of what’s going on around them, that is why they are also known as Psychedelic drugs. Some are quickly affected; others take longer to take effect. Presence under the effect of a hallucinogen is usually called ‘tripping’. Types of hallucinogens Hallucinogens come in

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