What is ADHD?-Types, Causes & Treatment

ADHD is one of the childhood disorders that involve neurodevelopment. It is usually diagnosed in childhood and often lasts till adulthood. Children with ADHD may have a problem controlling impulsive behaviors, paying attention (may act without thinking), or being overly active.

Types of ADHD

There are three types of ADHD disorder, the type depends on the symptoms that appear in the individual:

Predominantly Inattentive Presentation:

It is hard for the person to establish or finish a task, follow instructions, and to put attention to details or conversations. The person easily diverts or forgets details of everyday routines.

Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation:

The person plays and talks a lot. It is hard for them to sit still for long. The person feels restless and has a problem with impulsivity. Someone who is impetuous may disturb others a lot, snatch things from people, or speak at unsuitable times.

ADHD Adult

It is hard for the individual to listen to directions or wait for their turn. An individual with impulsiveness may have more injuries and accidents than others.

Combined Presentation:

As the name shows that it is the combination of the above two types of ADHD. The people have symptoms of both above types.

As the symptoms may change with time, the appearance may also change.

Causes of ADHD

Scientists are researching cause(s) and risk factors with a determination to find better techniques to manage and reduce the risks of a person having ADHD. The causes and risk factors for ADHD disorder are still unknown, but very recent research shows that the reason may be genetics. Recent studies associate genetic factors with ADHD.

In addition to genetics, researchers are studying other potential causes and risk factors including:

  • Brain injury
  • Premature delivery
  • Disclosure of environmental risks (e.g., lead) at a young age or during pregnancy.
  • Tobacco and Alcohol use during pregnancy
  • Low birth weight

Research does not support the commonly held opinions that ADHD is caused by, parenting, watching too much television, eating too much sugar, or social and environmental factors such as family chaos or poverty. Of course, many things might make ADHD’s symptoms worse, specifically in certain people. But the proof is not pretty strong to conclude that these are the leading causes of ADHD.

Parents of children with ADHD

Bringing up a child with ADHD can be very challenging, but it’s essential to remember that they cannot aid their behavior.


Some routine activities might be more problematic for the parent and the child, including:

  • getting the child to sleep
  • getting ready for school within the time
  • social occasions
  • listening to instructions and carrying out tasks
  • being organized
  • shopping

How ADHD is treated?

For children with ADHD, there is no preferred cure, but it can be managed or controlled with appropriate enlightening support, advice for parents, and help for affected children, along with medicine, if necessary.

For adults with ADHD, medication is often the first treatment presented, although psychological therapies e.g. cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may also help.


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