Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Welcome to the topic Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. There is a disorder called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Individuals have repeating, unwelcome thoughts, ideas, or feelings that cause them to feel compelled to do a certain behavior again (compulsions). A person’s everyday tasks and social interactions might be greatly disrupted by repeated habits, such as hand washing, checking on objects, or cleaning.   Even those who don’t suffer from OCD are not immune to having intrusive thoughts or…

Valium Addiction And Abuse

Valium Addiction And Abuse

Welcome to the topic Valium Addiction And Abuse. Diazepam is the standard term for Valium. It is a benzodiazepine, which is a class of medications. Among other problems, Valium is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety disorders and episodic anxiety (such as anxiety that follows a traumatic experience). There are two types of benzodiazepines: those that take effect quickly and those that take effect slowly. Within 30-60 minutes of taking Valium, the sedative effects begin to…

Are You A High Functioning Drug Addict

Are You A High Functioning Drug Addict?

Welcome to the topic Are You A High Functioning Drug Addict? Many things come to mind when thinking of addiction’s debilitating effects, such as losing a career, being incapable of developing good relationships, dealing with one’s emotional stability, and so on. Addiction has all these characteristics, and it’s not hard to see why. However, the long-term effects of addiction are not always obvious.   A functional addict may not be equipped to notice how their…

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